Who We Are

About Our Team

40+ Years Of Service

With four decades of experience, Mayne Street Auto is your local Gulgong garage, specialising in all things automotive! Whether you’re after servicing for your business fleet vehicles or rather a battery replacement for your new secondhand vehicle – we can provide affordable and professional auto services. Our authorised inspection station allows us to quickly troubleshoot any vehicle issues, determining what auto parts you’ll need. 

We provide an extensive range of services, including:

We want your car to be working at maximum capacity and highest safety standards. Get in touch with our team for a quote today!

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Meet The Team

Locally Owned And Family Operated

Locally owned and family operated, Mayne Street Auto has been providing quality automotive services for 40+ years. Our team understands how important both safe vehicles and affordable servicing are, and this is exactly what we bring to our Central Tablelands customers. 

Our experienced team consists of:

  • Don McLean
  • Stevin Morrison
  • Rob Lord
  • Rachel Green

Get in touch with our friendly team of mechanics today!

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