Car not working properly? Here at Mayne Street Auto in Central Tablelands, we provide general repairs for all makes and models of cars, including European and luxury ones. When repairing your vehicle, we provide a comprehensive approach to make sure we get to the bottom of your car’s fault, repairing it correctly then and there.
Our general repairs, include but are not limited to:
Drive away with confidence, knowing that our mechanics work with the finest attention to detail for all repairs and
Our Mayne Street Auto garage has an onsite auto electrician, ready to help with repairs relating to your air conditioning system, electric brakes, compressors, power windows and steering. We will ensure your drives are comfortable and cool, especially in those hot summer months. Get in touch with our team for more information on our general and electrical repairs.
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RMS Authorised Examiner AIS, AUVIS,
NSW Fair Trading Certificate - Motor Mechanic
ABN: 90 162 750 656
License MVRL58369
RMS Authorised Examiner AIS, AUVIS, LPG
NSW Fair Trading Certificate - Motor Mechanic
ABN 901 627 506 56
License MVRL58369